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the intern | 2015

Resultat d'imatges de the intern

Nowadays, that in almost every job experience is required, we wouldn't be thinking of a senior doing the typical tasks an intern does. 

Well, this film shows us that besides young people seeking for experience to find decent job there's also seniors who don't know what to do with their life when they're done working and family, friends and trips aren't enough to fill the days. 

Ben (Robert De Niro) is one of those seniors who needs to work and do something in order to find sense to his life after having traveled around the world and being widower. He finds an intern workplace at About the fit, a company founded by a young passionate entrepreneur, Jules (Anne Hathaway) who didn't even knew this posts were offered. 

When Cameron (Andrew Rannells) tells Jules that she's going to have an intern that is 70 years old, she isn't really convinced but as the movie goes on, the viewer is going to see that sometimes we need someone to support and that gives us a piece of advice. 

With that said, I think that this film is a bit long, but that shows how the modern enterprises born within great ideas of some pioneers and the modern technologies are manages by humans, and those humans have problems like everyone does and, sometimes, a little help from the ones who have lived more isn't too bad. 

In fact, I really liked this film because of the story and the characters but  also because it shows that things can be different as of how we conceive it. 


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