Her, what a film, what a love story. Wonderful. In the near future, Spike Jonze (director and writer) creates a modern Los Angeles - like Ridley Scott did with Blade Runner, even though it is not that dark - with skyscrapers and an orwellian atmosphere. All the work, ideas, imagination of Scott and Orwell are seen in this movie with the help of Jonze's amazing script and story.
The movie touches so many subjects; from the Blade Runner's humanity or not, to the big brother and technological elements that Orwell created. It narrates the story of Theodore, a letter writer - yes he writes letters for other people -that has just split up with his wife whose he is kind of still in love because they grew up together and he lived nearly all his live with her. Her, the wife - or soon ex-wife - is the cause of the depression of Theodore, but when he discovers a new technological gadget that is programmed to be a kind of "conscience" for the human he buys it. Samantha, as the gadget operative system says she is named helps Theodore to do lots of things. She organizes his virtual things, she gives him pieces of advice on how to play a video game and, most importantly, she makes the man laugh.
As he starts to be happy again, he starts falling in love with the operative system, and "she" also does the same. From this point the film is an awkward but kind, wonderful love story that has to find it's path to be real. Her, the operative system, makes him be like he was before.
Phoenix makes an incredible and outstanding performance as Theodore. He and all the story make this movie be the movie of the year among some other.. It is one of those movies you're going to see over and over and we'll still be able to see new things, new elements we haven't seen before. It it the reflector of the new era, of a new generation who is taken by the technology and who has the same existencial questions that we have, the people who are not afraid of what the technology can do to them, just like us know. So this is why it is very recommendable, it isn't just a romance movie it is a story of a not-so- far generation.
her. amazing. surely, a movie of the year.
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