First of all, I wanted to express that I was able to watch that movie because I went to an indie film festival, Americana Film Festival, who has just opened this year and that I hope we can experience for many years from now on. The "american family" that created the festival Americana, decided that the inaugural film would be The Kings of Summer. After some presentations and the presentation of the festival itself, the movie was projected.
The Kings of Summer is a movie about teenagers that everyone can see and is equally going to enjoy it. Because even if they are teenagers, children, adults of even elders they are all going to be identified with the boys that appear. Everyone has had or would like to live on their own without parents or family talking and in some way it seems "bothering" you. This is what the movie talks about. Three guys run away from their houses and build a house in the middle of the woods where they are going to live with their rules. One of the most important rules is that nobody is going to know where that house is and that they are going to be apart from the "real world". Rapidly we see this cannot be like this, and because they need to buy food and one day, one of the guys, the protagonist, invites two girls and a guy to the house. He likes one of the girls and he thinks this is a great opportunity to be with her. With the arrival of new people the problems are going to start and we're going to see that the connivance is not easy.
This film is not a perfect film or a film that is going to show you something very different from what you see in real life, because it wants to talk about real life and about that period of your life where you want to be an adult but you still a child in a different way. A scene must be highlighted, the one where the three boys are making music with an abandoned pipeline, this represents freedom, friendship, talent... just letting themselves... no pressure. This movie summarizes the message of the film. It doesn't have extremely dramatic scenes even though the director could have done it to resemble the "commercial films". It just explains a story with a comedic side and not making a big thing of the actions. You laugh and spend a good time watching that movie.... it is just really enjoyable.
This was a great film to start off with the festival because it provided happiness and good vibes to all the people that assisted. We all have friendships and at some point of our lives we think we would be happier if we lived with our friends rather than with family.... it shows the importance and strength of what we call friendship.
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