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american hustle | 2013

Resultat d'imatges de american hustle

With 10 nominations for The Academy Oscars this is one of those films you enjoy because it is different, quite original and entertaining and counts with five actors that are in a good moment of the careers. Christian Bale 
leads a story about survival that transports us to the 70's which seem like our days because the stories about corruption and lying are our "bread of everyday" meaning this is happening right know. The story then could have been placed in 2013 but David O.Russell did a good job creating, as the screenplay dictated a 1970's atmosphere with the costumes, the music (which is present, accurate and very well chosen) in the scenes he has to. 

The story, as it has been said, is about a man, Irving (Christian Bale) who is married and loves, in some way, his wife (Jennifer Lawrence) but that also falls in love with another woman (Amy Adams) who is going to become her partner in crime and life. Irving and Sydney (Amy Adams) cheat on people with different business' until they are caught by police, concretely by Richi DiMaso (Bradley Cooper), who is going to help them with their crimes if they collaborate in an operation to arrest at least 4 criminals. The hustlers don't have a choice and become the perfect accessories for Richi to have a name in the police corp. This journey in which we see there are different layers - just like Inception (2010), with the dreams - where we see the hustlers and not the real people. This story is a lie inside another lie, but it is not complex, so the viewers doesn't have to be scared because he is going to understand the story - like he could/can understand Inception (2010). Richi DiMaso's ambitions can be his own trap because, the viewer doesn't have to forget that the heroes of the story are hustlers. A part from the task itself the viewer has to experience the love triangle or even square that is shown. The second part of the movie is when Jennifer Lawrence razes with everything and raises above. 

The success of this movie probably lies in the fact that there's an extraordinary cast that nails their parts. Bale, Lawrence (who would deserve the Oscar this year, but not last year) and Amy Adams. It is also a good movie because it is an original story about survival and it has a moral - you are who you are and you cannot change that - which many people may not like or would like to believe it isn't true and that at the end seems that could change... Jeremy Renner is not recognized by the academy but also does a good job. 

Overall we could say that American Hustle has a lot of ingredients and provides a new kind of film to the nominees because it is not a love story, a drama or a historic movie it is just and entertaining, a bit long (could have been shortened 20 minutes)  even though it is not as weary as other films are.  


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