How can you find pure beauty, inspiration, love, pureness itself in a vanish world were everything seems to be filled with something but instead it is void and most of the time non-sense?
Gep Gambardella has been living in Rome - one of the most beautiful cities of the world, with art, love, history - for a long time. He is a writer and has only written one novel in his entire life... he just does not find what he wants to write another one, the great beauty. I don't want to decode all the movie, even though I could be talking about that for hours. I loved the end of the film.
Throughout all the film you see great things, beautiful and non beautiful things, everything in Gep's life is like a mirage, it is very superficial it doesn't seem real, you just need to see the first scenes where there's a party that reminds you of the italian leaders (like Berlusconi) and the way they are. Gep realizes que isn't made for this life even though he has been living like this since he was young... There's a whole different look to the city of Rome. The transitions are amazingly well done, probably the best I've seen, it seems it's a never ending story where you someone is telling you a story but suddenly you don't know how it ends. Worth seeing, I really liked the protagonist and Toni Servillo's performance of him. I think it's all like a synesthesia, and right know there are very few movies that are able to do that.... worth seeing - but not for people who don't want to be thinking, reflecting, discovering.... if they want action they aren't going to find it in this movie.
Throughout all the film you see great things, beautiful and non beautiful things, everything in Gep's life is like a mirage, it is very superficial it doesn't seem real, you just need to see the first scenes where there's a party that reminds you of the italian leaders (like Berlusconi) and the way they are. Gep realizes que isn't made for this life even though he has been living like this since he was young... There's a whole different look to the city of Rome. The transitions are amazingly well done, probably the best I've seen, it seems it's a never ending story where you someone is telling you a story but suddenly you don't know how it ends. Worth seeing, I really liked the protagonist and Toni Servillo's performance of him. I think it's all like a synesthesia, and right know there are very few movies that are able to do that.... worth seeing - but not for people who don't want to be thinking, reflecting, discovering.... if they want action they aren't going to find it in this movie.
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